Well it seems everyone has been sick this past week. We went to the movies with mom like planned and then we all got sick. Mom and her boyfriend with head colds, and I was having dizzy spells like crazy. So we cancelled our Monday night purse session, and planned on Wednesday. Then we got hit with the snow. So we cancelled Wednesday also. But this week my mom took off for a long needed break from work. So we are going to work on it Thursday all day! So it should be finished!!!! Can't wait for that. My mom has already claimed my purse that i'm wearing right now once my other one is finished.
So since i've been sick I haven't really been able to get a lot of stitching done. But here is my L from Death Note so far.

The last time I posted I was saying how depressing working on L is. Since he's all browns, peach, and grey. So I also started another Soda pattern. Haven't gotten too far along on it but here is what its suppose to look like.

Well I guess thats enough rambling for me. I will post my pics of the purse soon. Also hope everyone has a Happy Valentines!