After getting up at 5am yesterday to cook the turkey and everything to take the Grandma's house and then barely getting any sleep last night because I decided to get up to do some Black Friday shopping... i'm crazy right? Lol I decided to go to Walmart because they had a 14 mega-pixel Kodak camera for $60. It was a free for all where all the cameras and gps systems were. So we are standing near the camera we wanted and it was next to a Tom Tom. I was talking to one lady and her husband and he was saying 'Ok i'll grab the tom tom, then rush over there and grab this and that and that. You grab the cameras.' She was like 'ok' I offered that if her child (who was leaning against the camera I wanted) would grab one for me I would in return grab a tom tom for them. (I was leaning against the palate for them). So that's what we did.

I also figured I would of gotten slammed and pushed. It was crazy packed. But I didn't it was quite simple actually we did the switch off then went and looked at what was left over with some of the other sales. Sadly I didn't get my food processor for $3. Oh well. But I did pick up a new mp3 player.

So after about an hour in the check out lane we went to McDonald's (I know I was bad but yummy yummy! I love their breakfast) then we sat in my work's parking lot and watched the line while we ate... after we finished I ran in and got next weeks schedule. Then I took John to Best Buy and bought him a Wii, and a game he's been wanting. His thanks/early Christmas gift for going with me and protecting me in the crowds. (He absolutely hates crowds so I figured he deserves it) I bought him the red version his favorite color.

All the pictures are taken with my new toy. Hopefully now I can get some better shots up close of my stitching and things. Here is a picture of John and me when we got home around 7ish this morning.

We set up the wii, played with our new toys for a couple mins then crawled into bed. Now to wake him up in a little bit so we can clean up rearrange a few things and pull out the Christmas decorations. Yay one of my favorite Christmas traditions... Christmas music and decorating. Will share some pics tomorrow hopefully!