I accidently mixed up my days I somehow thought Tuesday was the 5th so that I would be picking Emily up on Wednesday the 6th my bad! But she got a hold of me got me back on track and John and I arrived in Ft. Wayne on Monday the 5th at our hotel about 4pm. We went and walked around the big mall and had panda express orange chicken. Yummy! Then I got a txt from Leah saying she was going to see Eclipse and if I wanted to come... Well yea! So we went and watched the movie. Had fun! Then we went back to the hotel slept and woke up this morning at 9 and went shopping until Emily made it to Ft. Wayne. I bought too much stuff! But I couldn't pass up going to some of my favorite stores that I don't have around me like Archiver's (scrapbooking store) and Hobby Lobby! I was a little disappointed in Hobby Lobby's selection of cross stitch stuff. This one sucked! I hear some of you bloggy friends finding cool stuff at their hobby lobbies... this one must be out of the "cool stuff" loop. But here are the pics of the stuff I got.
I bought the magazine at Meijers and the beads and fringe at Walmart.

At Archiver's I bought two make your own calender's, the rub ons to go with them, a cute little paint tray, and some cute clearance valentines stickers.

At Hobby Lobby I got some cute 4th of July stickers, two necklace charms ones a monkey the other is a little black cat. A Harvest sign that was 1/2 off, a wooden box with a handle. Think I might make myself a stitcher's box. And a mousepad I thought was kinda cool idea. Might not do the design it comes with though. Since i'm suppose to be stitching it for John :)

Then we still had time to kill (even after we went into a couple stores for John) so I decided to go see what clearance stuff JoAnn's had. I found this! I just couldn't pass it up it called to me.

So then we went out to eat with Emily, Scott (Emily's husband), and Eric (Scott's oldest) to Buffalo Wild Wings. I miss that place!!!! Yummy yummy! Then Emily, John and I drove back and finally i'm home. Rested a bit... and am now dying of the heat!!! But I did get a surprise when I got home. I had forgotten before I left I put in an order at 123stitch. Which if you ever need a place to order cross stitch stuff from they rock! I figured I wouldn't have my stuff for a few more days because of the holiday but it was sittin on the table when I got home. I got a bigger q-snap (11x11) and a couple Mill Hill projects that match and are adorable!

So in all honestly I really should not buy anything else cross stitchy for awhile! I've got way too much stuff to work on!!! Let's see how long that lasts!
Now to go catch up on all of your blogs!