So on the 10th was Emily's daughter's 13th birthday! I've known this kid since she was 4. They grow up so fast. So as her birthday prezzie I designed a pattern and stitched it up, painted a frame and now I have to get it mailed out.
I think it turned out really cute. So I've decided to share the pattern also.

I have also started stitching my ornaments I've gotten 4 1/2 stitched up so far. These two are from Lizzie Kate
This penguin is from Paw Printings. He's not completely done yet but I can't seem to find any of my shimmery floss to do the border I have in mind.
These two are designed by Daffycat. I found this pattern so cute I decided to do two of them and switch the red and green and I think they will be cute put back to back as an ornament.
And the 1/2 one is an idea my dad gave me so i'm trying that and hopefully it will turn out cute. It's plastic and i'm going to make it into a cube.
So there you have it. What I've been working on this past week. Hope you are all getting stitchy time in.