It's another holiday. So that means another one of my giveaways! This one includes a handmade ornament from yours truly. (I still needs to be sewn together! Promise it will be finished before I mail it!)

A pretty plaque.

And I will make a green scissor fob with a clover.
1. Leave a comment
2. Be a follower.
Very simple! I will draw a winner Friday morning when I get up.

On the stitching front... I have managed to do a little bit of stitching. Sadly not on any of my Crazy 15. But I did the ornament for my giveaway. A spring RAK and i've started a little easter stitch for an Easter/Spring swap. I'm hoping after I get it finished maybe I will want to pick up one of my 15. *fingers crossed* Well i'm off to play some video games with John.

Happy Stitching!