It was a lot of fun to make. I'm looking forward to making more for some friends. Also I have been working on "the dog did it" but I screwed up and used the wrong grey in one part. So i'm frustrated and haven't taken it out yet.
I've been trying to think of what project I want to take with me to work on while i'm in New York. Nothing too hard and nothing too special in case it gets dirty or ruined.
Dad, John, and I went antiquing the other day. We didn't find much of anything sadly. But I did find a really cute recipe box. I know its not an antique in any way but its still really cute!
Also I've made myself a couple of new necklaces. And one for John, that somewhat matches one of mine. Other than that I've been mainly reading. My mom suggest this series call the Sons of Destiny. Man are they really good! If your into the mystical magical and somewhat (hot & heavy) romance stuff. It's really interesting how much just little details entwine between all the books. I just love things like that. I'm on the 5th book of eight. Already half way through it and I just started it a couple nights ago. They are written by Jean Johnson. Here is some info:
The Sons of Destiny...a romantic tale of magic, superstition, and a love that transcends dimensions.
Eight brothers, born in four sets of twins, two years apart to the day-they fulfill the Curse of Eight Prophecy. To avoid tempting their destiny, the brothers are exiled to Nightfall Island, a land where women are strictly forbidden. But, when the youngest of the mage-brothers rescues a woman from another universe, their world is altered forever.
and their curse:
Song of the Sons of Destiny
The Eldest Son shall bear this weight:
If ever true love he should feel
Disaster shall come at her heel
And Katan will fail to aid
When Sword in sheath is claimed by Maid
The Second Son shall know this fate:
He who hunts is not alone
When claw would strike and cut to bone
A chain of Silk shall bind his hand
So Wolf is caught in marriage-band
The Third of Sons shall meet his match:
Strong of will and strong of mind
You seek she who is your kind
Set your trap and be your fate
When Lady is the Master’s mate
The Fourth of Sons shall find his catch:
The purest note shall turn to sour
And weep in silence for the hour
But listen to the lonely Heart
And Song shall bind the two apart
The Fifth Son shall seek the sign:
Prowl the woods and through the trees
Before you in the woods she flees
Catch her quick and hold her fast
The Cat will find his Home at last
The Sixth Son shall draw the line:
Shun the day and rule the night
Your reign’s end shall come at light
When Dawn steals into your hall
Bride of Storm shall be your fall
The Seventh Son shall he decree:
Burning bright and searing hot
You shall seek that which is not
Mastered by desire’s name
Water shall control the Flame
The Eighth Son shall set them free:
Act in Hope and act in love
Draw down your powers from above
Set your Brothers to their call
When Mage has wed, you will be all.
‘Song of the Sons of Destiny’
The Seer Draganna
Lol well anyway thats enough of me rambling. Hope everyone is enjoying their day!