Yesterday I sat and had a Shirley Temple marathon... I watched 3 of her movies. I just love her when she was little and adorable! While I was watching them I finished up a gift for someone that I can't post til I get it sent out in the mail.

I also stitched Momo and Aang from Avatar the Last Airbender that
Dawn at Anime Stitching made for me. I think he turned out really cute. Thanks again Dawn!
On my "secret project" I have it pretty much complete... Now to keep it safe til November. Arg! I started it way too early! Oh well better early than late.
Today I stitched a bit on the Ladybugs again. Not enough to show progress but it's getting there. Except since I've taken a break from stitching on that painted fabric it's killing me to be working on it again. Having to make the holes over again. And the needle refuses to cooperate! I'm most likely going to start working on some Christmas things tomorrow.
Hope everyone is having a great day!