Anyways onto a hidden giveaway...
I decided while I was stitching the valentines ornament the other day that I would make it a hidden giveaway! So thanks everyone for commenting on my post!

Congrats Parsley! I'll get it out to you in the mail real soon!
I've also decided that i'd like to do RAKs so if you'd ever like to recieve a RAK from me send me your address. (curiouskttycat at yahoo dot com) I'm going to try to send at least one thing to everyone that sends me their address.
So yesterday I sat and did some finishing. I will have to get some pictures before I send some of it away. After dinner I sat and made a couple of my scissor fobs for my giveaway and swap partners. Have some errands to do today but hopefully I can get some stitching time in later tonight. Alright off to wake my butt up some more so I can get my errands done! Happy Stitching!