Wow can you believe it.... its December. Only 25 days til Christmas!!! And what better way to wake up to on December 1st but....

Snow!!!! We finally got our first sticking of snow. It's not much now but it's still lightly snowing and suppose to all day. I just love snow.... well until about the middle of January then i'll start complaining about it. :)
Crystal, Wendy and I, have decided that we will start our 'On Christmas Day' SAL today. Seemed fitting. So each Wednesday we will be posting our progress.

So I went to the LNS and picked out some fabric before work yesterday. I'm not too sure that i'm in love with the color I ended up with. So i'm planning on going back today and taking the picture with me and the floss I ended up picking out. Each of us girls is doing it in a different color scheme so it should be really cool to see each of ours.
Crystal is doing red, green & white.
Wendy is doing hers in pink, gold & white. And mine will be in two shades of blue and white.

Last night instead of working on my politics/religion piece I made some scissor fobs for some lucky winners over on the SanMan board. I still have one more to make so after that one is finished I will share them with you. I think these ones have been some of the best I've made. Even John said these ones look extra fancy.
Well here is my progress so far on politics/religion.

I will have to get my butt in gear on this! My mom wants to mail it out in time for Christmas. Guess thats what i'll be working on for the next few days. Happy stitching everyone!