Still busy stitching some gifts. I'll be able to share them with you soon. This Sunday we are flying to New York for John's mother's surgery. She has to have a lumber spinal fusion done on Monday. So we are just going to be there for her surgery and the day after we fly home. I wish we could stay longer but I finally got a job! I start working at Michaels on Thursday. I'm so happy! I'm getting sick of having nothing to do. Not that i'm complaining I love stitching all day. But I need something else to do with my time.

So onto what I can share. I ordered (a couple weeks ago) some cute 'made with love' charms on eBay. They never came. So I ordered some more. Yesterday I received the one package then today I got some more.... hmmm. Screwy mail. They are just so cute! I plan on attaching them to the Christmas ornament's I've been making.
Well i'm off to go play a video game for a little bit and try to read some more of my book today. And of course stitch!
Happy stitching!