And presents from me. I got him a new work out bar and some of that new Wonka candy. For dinner he picked hamburgers and salad. And instead of a cake he wanted brownies. This boy is obsessed with brownies. So I made do... a bit of wax got on the brownies by the time I lit all 24 candles.
And here are the brownies just seconds later. LOL
Yesterday I also got a couple ornaments stitched up. One I have stitched into a biscornu but forgot to take the picture.
I just want to say thanks to everyone who leaves me comments. I always love to read what you think about my projects.
Happy bday to hime :D Brownies cake looks yummy too!
Wow, birthday brownie, how much do I love that idea? It looks utterley scrummy by the way. And I seem to have warped back into a Famous Five story, scrummy for goodness sake! Anyway, it does look scrummy!
And I like you're ornaments, they're looking lovely!
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