This weeks project doesn't even get the justification of having a picture posted. I maybe put in 50 x's of grey on white. It was the 'Naughty' Christmas ornament. And I only worked on it for that hour at the LNS. But I did stitch something for my St. Patrick's day giveaway. But you'll have to wait to see that. Also I think this week i'm just doing whatever. I'm not going to care that i'm suppose to work on my Christmas SAL today and tomorrow and i'm not going to care that i'm getting no where with my crazy 15. I think I just need a nice break from everything. Hopefully it will get me out of the funk and I can then get some more of my 15 done! This week I plan on finishing a baby present for Crystal and to maybe stitch a RAK. Which I forgot to share my last one with you all. Wendy got hers the other day.
Click Here to go visit her post and see what I sent/made.
Well i'm off. Happy stitching to you all!
Sorry you are still in your funk. Go to the grocery store and buy some flowers to bring a little spring into your life. Maybe the time change next weekend will help also.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
Funks are really frustrating, aren't they? I know sometimes I just really don't want to do what I scheduled myself to do. Of course, now that I am old, I know its okay. I just don't do it - unless it is really necessary. Hope you can work your way through your funk soon!! Oh, I went and saw what you sent Wendy, and it was terrific!!
Funks are a hard thing to break out of sometimes. Hopefully with spring arriving soon it will cheer you up a bit. Love the RAK you sent to Wendy.
Hoot is adorable!!!
Sorry to hear you're in a funk... I hope working on whatever you fancy will get you out of it quickly.
One shouldn't feel obliged to craft, it's a hobby after all!
And the owl-goodies you sent are the cutest! XD
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